In situ observations of BC in the Arctic
Action 1.2: Harmonise measurements and procedures for stations observing black carbon in the Arctic
Methodological comparability between stations within and outside the Arctic is fundamental.
Establishing monitoring infrastructures requires significant resources, and there is a need for knowledge transfer and scientific collaboration to secure adequate observational data and interpretation of results. European scale infrastructure efforts like the Aerosol, Cloud, Trace gases Research Infrastructure would be highly relevant.
If AMAP enhances its role as coordinator of Arctic black carbon measurements, it may consider strengthening working relationships with EMEP Task Force on Measurements and Modelling (TFMM), WMO and the Aerosol, Clouds, Trace Gases Research Infrastructure in terms of quality and inter-comparability of black carbon observation data. Such cooperation is indeed explicitly stated in the current strategy documents of AMAP and EMEP and could ensure consistent operating and reporting recommendations. Furthermore, cross-programme cooperation could allow promotion and utilisation of the reporting and data structures already in place within the EMEP TFMM and the WMO – this would prevent a scenario where data have to be reported twice.